Friday 24 March 2017

FOCUS - Your #1 Tool To Ultimate Success!

FOCUS - Your #1 Tool to Ultimate Success!

Everyone aspires to become successful. The fact still remains that those who become successful are those who understands the above.

There is a great master coach of archery. The big day comes for the competitive match, and the master has entered two of his most promising students, both young men. Right before the match is scheduled to begin, the great coach walks up and puts his hand on the back of the first contender and says, "Son, when you look out at the target, what do you see?" The young man says, "Coach, I see the target, the mountains behind it, the tall grasses blowing in the gentle wind, the birds soaring above and I am ready to shoot." The Coach says, "Oh, but you are not going to shoot, you are not focused.

"He then walked over to the second young man, put his hand on his shoulder and asked the second contender, "When you look out at the target, what do you see?" The young man said, "Coach, I see only the target!" The Coach replied, "Son, you will win the match today!"

In life, FOCUS is everything! For those of you who are like the first young man perhaps you have a GOAL, a target. You also have parenting, housekeeping, full-time jobs, part-time jobs, exercising, shopping, personal growth and development and more. You lose sight of your target, your GOAL! Then you get discouraged and quit, putting your business on the back burner, blaming everything. The spiral begins downward until you're exhausted and can't come near your once exciting GOALS for a better and brighter future!

Then there are those of you who are like the second young man and are making your dreams come true. What's the difference? Clearly and simply, the second young man has learned to FOCUS on hitting the target. FOCUS - it's a little word, but it will make a gigantic difference in your life.

You must plan on life getting in the way, because it will. Plan for struggles. FOCUS on what you won't tolerate not achieving.